Additional information

Additional Information

Check-In & Check-Out

  1. Check-In Time: 12 P.M.

  2. Check-Out Time: 11:00 A.M.

Early check-in is subject to availability and may incur minimal charges.
Late check-out is subject to availability and may incur minimal charges.

Facilities & Amenities

  1. Complimentary Wi-Fi for seamless connectivity.
  2. Multi-channel cable TV for entertainment.
  3. Laundry & valet services for hassle-free stays.
  4. Secure parking for your vehicle’s safety.
  5. 24-hour hot and cold water supply for comfort.
  6. 24-hour room service to cater to your needs at any time.
  7. For further inquiries, feel free to contact our front desk or sales team.

Pricing & Policies

  1. All government taxes are applicable as per regulations.
  2. Special corporate and group rates are available 
  3. through our Sales Office.
    Tariffs and taxes are subject to change without prior notice.


Dining Options

  1. Indulge in a selection of gourmet dishes at our in-house multi-cuisine restaurant.
  2. Enjoy the convenience of 24-hour in-room dining with our exclusive room service.